Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Press Technologies LLC. Pulp and Paper Equipment • New and Used Machinery

Office: 12191 W 64th Ave #111D Arvada, CO 80004
Phone: 303.456.9898
Fax: 303.456.0637
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1106 Arvada, CO 80001-1106

For additional information on how Press Technologies LLC can assist you and your company with your dewatering, thickening, pressing applications and wastewater treatment projects, contact us. We will be pleased to help, and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Please fill out the following form so that we may better assist you.

Thank You,

Don Boyd, President

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Pulp & Paper Systems

Pulp Thickening

WT Twin Wire Wedge Thickener

Pressing/Wet Lapping - Standard Line

WT/PP Twin Wire Press

HDP Secondary Press

Pressing/Wet Lapping LT Line

LTPP Twin Wire Press

LTHDP Secondary Press

Cuts the Sheet And Creates Pulp Bales

CLB Cutter Layboy

Industrial & Municipal Sludge Systems

Sludge Dewatering

CM & CM-7 Twin Wire Sludge Press

GT Gravity Thickener

SP Twin Wire Sludge Press

RT Rotary Thickener