
Press Technologies LLC is a Colorado, USA based company which specializes in the supply of quality industrial systems for the dewatering and thickening of solids in liquid/solids separation operations. We also provide cutting edge technologies for water and wastewater treatment.

We have extensive experience throughout a broad range of industrial and municipal dewatering, thickening and pressing applications.

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About Our Systems

Press Technologies LLC Wetlapping, Thickening and Dewatering Systems have proven their performance and durability in a variety of rigorous industrial applications – particularly throughout the Pulp and Paper Industry. Our systems have also made an impact in  Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment with almost four decades of experience in these areas.

Press Technologies LLC innovative modular water and wastewater treatment designs enable customers to obtain systems specifically tailored to meet their needs and requirements in a timely and cost effective manner. Press Technologies systems are designed to allow for either the addition or removal of modules with a minimum of effort and expense should a customer’s performance requirements change.

Most importantly, Press Technologies LLC systems work! For additional information on how Press Technologies LLC can assist you and your company with your Pulp Wetlapping, Thickening, and Pressing applications and Wastewater Treatment projects, contact us. We’ll be pleased to help!


Pulp & Paper Systems

Pulp Thickening

WT Twin Wire Wedge Thickener

Pressing/Wet Lapping - Standard Line

WT/PP Twin Wire Press

HDP Secondary Press

Pressing/Wet Lapping LT Line

LTPP Twin Wire Press

LTHDP Secondary Press

Cuts the Sheet And Creates Pulp Bales

CLB Cutter Layboy

Industrial & Municipal Sludge Systems

Sludge Dewatering

CM & CM-7 Twin Wire Sludge Press

GT Gravity Thickener

SP Twin Wire Sludge Press

RT Rotary Thickener